I was one of the first of my local surf crew to take up longboarding (in addition to shortboarding). I liked the laid back style and catching waves in smaller surf, but my friends said I was getting old before my time (I was 25).
Ten years have passed and my hardcore mates still reject the lure of longboarding. So as a way of convincing them and others who believe “longboarding is for old people”, here’s why it’s actually fun for all the family:
Longboarding for toddlers
Yep, that’s right – toddlers! I confess I was worried that 3 years old was “too young to surf” for my daughter. However, Heather from Hawaii sent me this video of her hardcore son Harper surfing as a toddler.
Source: Mama Surfs
Imagine trying to teach a toddler to surf on a shortboard. It would squiggle and wobble everywhere, leaving your little one lost in the water. Longboards however cruise with strength and purpose, providing the perfect platform for walking on water at an early age.
Longboarding for courting couples
Young couples looking for a unique first date experience should go longboarding. Seriously, what can be better at breaking the ice than splashing about in the waves and sharing a board?

Longboarding – the perfect first date
Source: MBS Crossfit
With a bit of practice and a few embarrassing but not unpleasant bumps along the way, you’ll be tandem surfing in no time. Then with all the awkwardness washed away, you can retreat to the beach bar, soak up the sunset and laugh about your first shared experience.
Size does matter – cause you can’t go tandem on a shortboard.
Longboarding for professionals
Professional longboarders display a grace and beauty that respectfully compliments every wave they ride. Unlike some of the professional shortboarders who slap, stomp and physically abuse waves.

Kassia Meador longboarding with style
Source: Mpora
It seems to me that longboarding instills a sense of calm, confidence and style. Longboarding stands out from the crowd, but in a good “I want to be like that” way. Longboarders were the pioneers of our sport and longboarders remain respected pillars of our surfing community.
I’m not saying all professional shortboarders are thugs, but some could benefit from longboard therapy.
Longboarding for old people
Yes old people ride longboards, but not because they’re broken and can’t ride a shortboard. The older generation choose to ride a longboard, because they have wisdom that younger surfers fail to understand.

Rabbit Kekai – legend longboarder
Source: The Vintage Surf Auction
Old people know, that with a longboard:
• You will catch more waves.
• You will ride the waves for longer.
• The paddle out is quicker and easier.
• You can share a ride with your grandchild, child or partner.
• You can ride more waves, from ripples to tsunamis.
So longboarding is not just for old people, they just understand the benefits better.
As an aspiring shortboarder, I’ve got to say that, for me at least, longboarding just isn’t as much fun or as much of a challenge.
And I’ve got to disagree on the paddle out being quicker and easier. Fighting through sizable beachbreak windswell with a longer board is definitely harder.
You’ve got a point on the longboard paddle out issue on a sizable beachbreak.
But I still reckon longboarding can be just as much fun or as challenging as shortboarding.
As it happens I shortboard more than longboard, but I still wanted to stand up for the underdog longboarder.
Thanks for the comment and I hope your wrist heals soon.
All the best
AKA Surfer Dad